Lauren Boehme Hartmann
Recipe Developer | Cookbook Author | Food Photographer
Rabbit & Wolves is the brainchild of Lauren. She’s made great strides to prove to herself that she can make anything vegan, including classic Americana fare. She’s also classically trained pastry chef and lover of comfort food. On a daily basis, she can be found dreaming up and testing new recipes, styling food and taking gorgeous photos of her creations. Find out more about Lauren and her process here.

Julie Grace
Media Gal | Food Photographer | Professional Eater
Self-proclaimed people enthusiast, born-again vegan and lover of food, Julie acts as second photographer and handles all forms of communications for Rabbit & Wolves. She loves connecting with others and working with Lauren to find new ways to inspire her foodie following. On a daily basis you’ll find her working on the R&W newsletter, managing the blog, checking emails and drooling over Lauren’s newest creations.
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Thanks for joining us here at Rabbit and Wolves. We look forward to continuing our mission of providing amazing (and delicious!) content for you to enjoy.